
Feel free to come just as you are and participate as much or as little as you are comfortable with. We represent 7 different ethnic groups and you are welcome.

Our worship celebration begins at 10:30 and finished @ 11:30.

Weekly gatherings

a woman standing next to a little girl in a kitchen
a woman standing next to a little girl in a kitchen
Sunday Celebration

We worship in music, prayer, Biblical teaching and honoring God with all that He has given to us.

Feel free to sit and watch or be as involved as you feel comfortable with.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

We have a relaxed time of study with time for discussion and asking questions. You are encouraged to bring your Bible and study along with us. We look at God's Word to become more like Jesus. Life transformation is our goal, not just getting more information.

woman kissing man's head
woman kissing man's head
people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

We were not designed to do life alone. Consistently connecting with people who want God's best for us is important. Some opportunities for you are:

We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. One group meets on the church campus as we go through the Book of Isaiah. Another group meets in a home in the area going through the Discipleship Journey.

Ladies meet once a month on Saturday mornings for Coffee and breakfast. A group to meet twice a month to study God's Word together is being planned.

Serving our community

We believe that we are here to serve our community in practical ways. This past year we have given away Backpacks and Messenger bags for laptops, supported the Maui fire by hosting a toy and clothing drive, and we are hosting our first Easter Egg hunt Saturday, March 30 at 11 am.


The church has been a source of strength and hope for me.

The teachings have helped me find peace and purpose in my life.

The community here is so welcoming and supportive.

We are a church dedicated to spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to bring every person into a relationship with our Creator God and help them live a new life free from their past.


Get in touch with us

